Engage - The Tech Conference for Thriving Churches
"I will be teaching 5 Ways to Make Your Online Church Experience Better"
Get Your FREE Ticket to the online ENGAGE Conference ($397 Value)
February 4-12, 2019
Register today at https://engageconference.church/
Join over 5,000 fellow church leaders, communicators, and other church staff at the engage conference designed to help you navigate our high tech world with tools and strategies.
You’ll be led by over 20 of the most brilliant minds in the church technology space on your computer from anywhere in the world.
You’ll discover effective ways to grow your church with the right technology as these experts reveal their #1 tips and practical, real-world, proven examples.
By the time the conference is over, you'll be able to take your church's technology to an entirely new level. Plus, you’ll learn how to do it in as little as 30 minutes a day.

Outcomes Conference for Christian Leadership Alliance
This session features the iChurch Method’s digital approach to helping organizations advance online. The iChurch Method is a five part strategy to help any organization advance online and gain a global presence. Outcomes: 1) Develop an effective social media strategy, 2) Create an effective digital content strategy to convey your message in a variety of ways, and 3) Establish a mobile presence, and determine if you need a mobile app in addition to your mobile web presence.

CMTA Conference
How to Advance Your Ministry Online
Jason Caston Location: C-205
This workshop is designed to give ministries an innovative approach to helping advance their online presence using a five-part approach of websites, multimedia, eCommerce, social media and mobile.

SXSW Startup Village
MARCH 10-16 • CONVERGENCE. The Startup Village track brings together startups, entrepreneurs, investors, and innovative tastemakers. Topics range from B2B, B2C, Bootstrapping, Business Strategy, Colleges, Entrepreneurs, Future of Money, Film, Music, Startups, and anything in-between.

2017 NABJ Region III Conference
#HashtagThis: Using Digital Branding, Algorithms and Bias to Empower your Career

eChurch Summit
echurch Summit is a three-day, interactive conference focused on connecting leading growth and engagement experts of fast-growing churches
FICWFM National Convention
Walter E. Washington Convention Center
801 Mt Vernon Pl NW,
Washington, DC 20001
Join me at the 2016 FICWFM Convention where I will be teaching The iChurch Method and Digital Ministry Solutions.
Christian Leadership Alliance Outcomes Conference
6-hour ITI seminar
The iChurch Method
Hyatt Regency Dallas at Reunion
300 Reunion Blvd
Dallas, TX 75207