3 ways to help your church communicate more effectively

There are three systems that you will learn if you register for and attend Foundations Online Conference, an online event presented by our friends at Social Church. 1. Creating a communications strategy for your church. Communicating to your congregation is about more than just putting out information and hoping it sticks.

It’s about implementing a strategy that communicates the right information to the right people at the right time through the right channels.

Learn how to create this strategy.

2. Educating your pastor and staff on church communications. What if your pastor advocated for and helped support your church communications strategy?

Sound like a dream? It’s not.

Learn from the experts on how to work WITH your pastor and ministry leaders, not AGAINST them.

3. Communicating effectively on a tight budget. A common misconception is that you need a large budget to communicate effectively.

While this can help, it’s not always true.

Register now and learn how to communicate effectively for your church without breaking the bank.

P.S. Tell someone to register and they'll get to hear from these great speakers:

Emily Cummins — Associate Director of Communications & Branding, Central Christian Church Diana Wei Fang — Social Media Strategist, National Community Church Jon Ferguson — Lead Teaching Pastor, Community Christian Church Nate Merrill — Online Campus Pastor, Lake Pointe Church Tim Schraeder — Church Communications Specialist Haley Veturis — Social Media Director, Saddleback Church
