Join Me in Chicago on October 7, 2015

On October 7, 2015 at 6pm I will be in Chicago for the 2nd Black in Tech event at 1871. I had the pleasure of being invited by Thomas Stovall who is the founder of the event as well as the, an App for Executives. The event is at 1871, which is located in Merchandise Mart (222 West Merchandise Mart Plaza, Floor 12, Chicago, IL 60654). This event means a lot to me for a variety of reasons:

  1. I am from Chicago, it’s always great to go home and speak. I haven’t spoken at an event in Chicago in almost 9 years. The last time I spoke in Chicago, it was to an empty room for an entrepreneurship event, no one showed up.
  2. I always enjoy speaking at Black in Tech events, I like inspiring and motivating people of color to advance in the tech world, there are many opportunities to do great things.
  3. We will first be speaking on a panel at the FUND Conference for investors. This will be a great opportunity to talk about how important it is to invest in tech businesses, especially minority owned tech businesses.
  4. My mom will be there to hear me speak, how can you beat that!!
  5. Many of my friends who I grew up with in Chicago will be there as well, it’s always great to connect with friends.

I look forward to having you join me at the Black in Tech event, you can RSVP here as well as sign up for the Periscope Live Stream!
