Innovation is defined as a new method, idea, service or product that creates value. Most often innovation is initially misunderstood, seen as impossible, implausible, unaffordable and unattainable. Roger's innovation curve has 16% of people as innovators (2.5%) and early adopters (13.5%) of new ideas, while the other 84% are the early majority (34%), late majority (34%) and Laggards (16%). This example shows that there are always a small few that see things coming over the horizon and get on board as others still take the wait/hope/resist-change approach. But as time progresses, what were once innovative ideas become the norm and it's time to start the innovative process again. for early adopters, then the early majority
Now let's look at innovation in the church environment and how we innovate 4 Jesus. Preaching from iPads is sometimes seen as a huge innovation but it's the same as advancement preaching from bibles instead of scrolls. Watching streaming services online is very innovative and initially we did that from our desktops and laptops but now watching services on the go, anytime, anywhere from anyplace via our mobile devices is indeed a great example of innovatively taking the ministry to the people.
But the real questions are what's coming next in terms of innovation for ministry and how can churches take advantage, well I'm glad you asked. Join Justin Blaney, Nils Smith, Rich Birch and myself via Google Hangout as we discuss Innovation in ministry and how the church will advance in the digital age. We will talk about Internet Church Campuses, Mobile Apps, Online Streaming, Google Glass, Virtual Reality, Internet TV and so much more.
Tune in Tuesday, September 2 at 1pm CST (11amPST/ 12pmMST/ 2pmEST) via Google Hangout at