I want to invite you to an webinar hosted by my friend and ministry tech expert Chip Dizard that is exclusively for Pastors and ministry leaders who want to start a podcast. In this webinar you will learn his 7 step blueprint for creating, editing, promoting and sustaining your ministry podcast.
You will also learn:
- How to create quality graphics for your cover art so your Podcast stands out in the iTunes store even if you have no graphic design experience.
- Why you should submit your podcast to Stitcher, Windows and even Blackberry!
- The best methods for promoting your ministry podcast
- How to edit the audio in your podcast with free and low cost software
If you have been wondering if you should start a podcast this webinar is for you. Or if you feel that your pastor or ministry should create one you should forward this email. I’ve found that pastors and ministries who create podcasts can connect with more people, gain more trust and increase the visibility of their ministry.
Chip’s webinars are free and have only 100 slots open per session, that’s why he told me he is doing it 3 times on Thursday April 24th at 4 p.m EST, 7 p.m. EST and 10 p.m. EST. Yes, that’s three times in one day to make sure you can view it on any time zone!
Click on the link below to claim your spot today.
Jason Caston iChurchMethod
P.S. Click on the link and register today as Chip gives you 3 actionable steps that will help you get your podcast in iTunes in one week. Look at this pastor’s podcast Chip help create in iTunes in one week. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/recreation-church-baltimore/id857833475?mt=2