I was reading an article on TNW (TheNextWeb.com) and they had a great piece on the 15 tips to get the most out of Google Docs. The best part about Google Docs is that it's one of the premiere software packages that I endorse when I explain to ministries about cloud applications. "The cloud" has provided a great opportunity for ministries to access and utilize administrative and collaborative software at affordable rates and sometimes free. http://thenextweb.com/google/2011/09/02/15-tips-to-get-the-most-out-of-google-docs/
Here are the keypoints of the article but click on the link above to access the article.
- Google Docs is much less expensive than Microsoft Office
- Automatic Backups and full downloading feature
- Revision history
- Drag and drop uploading
- Drag and drop image insertion into many document types
- Google Docs Templates
- Google Docs Search
- Google Docs has enough space to store ALL of your documents
- Collaboration of numerous people on documents
- Add Youtube videos to Presentations