What is Inspired Mobility

Inspired Mobility – Exploring the Relationship Between Mobile Technology and Faith  

Do you use any faith-based, inspirational or worship-related mobile apps? Have you ever donated to your church through a text service or application? Have you enjoyed watching a live streaming sermon on your phone, laptop, or tablet? More and more people are answering “Yes” to these and other questions about mobile technology and faith practices, but others are still hesitant.

The world is changing, and people are connecting in new and different ways through their smartphones and other mobile devices. A few years ago, no one would think it was acceptable to pull out a mobile phone during a church service. Today, more and more houses of worship are encouraging mobile connectivity both in and out of church, and more and more people are wondering how they can use technology to enhance their faith experience without distracting from the teachings of the Bible.


What Is Inspired Mobility?

The AT&T Inspired Mobility campaign began with a survey asking respondents to discuss their use of mobile devices in relation to their faith practices. The results of the survey were incredibly interesting, with a larger number of African American respondents embracing the use of mobile tech to engage with faith-based organizations.

Today, the campaign is dedicated to exploring how, when, and why people use mobile technology to connect with faith-based organizations and/or to enhance their faith experiences. Inspired Mobility is an ongoing conversation, and you are welcome to join.


Get Involved With Inspired Mobility

If you are interested in joining the conversation, just go to Twitter or Instagram and search for #InspiredMobility. Then read all of the tweets and posts that others have posted in the conversation. You can also go to AT&T’s Inspired Mobility page to learn more about the campaign, the sponsored bloggers involved with it, churches engaging with their congregations through mobile technology, and more.

Have something to say about faith and mobile tech? You can add to the conversation simply by tweeting your thoughts and including the #InspiredMobility hashtag and follow @ATT on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. In addition to exploring the concept of using cell phones and tablets in and out of church for faith practices, many people are also discovering new ways to use mobile Internet technology to enhance their faith experiences… And it’s all thanks to Inspired Mobility! Join the conversation today!