Join Me at the Social Media Church Summit

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be speaking at Social Media Church Summit on November 2-10, 2016! I will be speaking on Social and Digital Strategies to Advance Your Organization Online.

You’ll be hearing from over 20 of the top social media and digital influencers in the church space - live from your computer from anywhere in the world! Thought leaders like Jeff Goins, Barnabas Piper, Jarrid Wilson, Haley Veturis, Nils Smith, Steven Fogg and many more will be presenting.  Alejandro Reyes is hosting this exciting event where the speakers are going to show you how to use social media to grow your church from their hands on experiences.

I encourage you to join with me in this once in a lifetime FREE event!

Hurry and get your tickets...FOR FREE!

To learn more about the event click the link below.