The SOMEsummit starts TOMORROW

SOMEsummit starts TOMORROW -- will you be there with me?

It's online, so you don't have to travel anywhere .

And I got you a free ticket since I'm speaking there. Check out who's speaking:

Jeff Goins, Justin Wise, Jarrid Wilson, Haley Veturis, Joel Comm, Nils Smith, Jason Caston, Barnabas Piper, Justin Dean, Jason Romano, Brady Shearer, Darrel Girardier, and many more... (the lineup is epic)

You can get in free, but after the event ends, you can only see their speeches with the All-Access Pass (normal cost $397).

Hurry and get your free ticket now.

See you there.

Jason Caston

P.S. Since I'll be speaking at this event, can you please let me know you're coming?