Working with AT&T has been a great experience and it continues on Friday, October 23, 2015 at 12pm CST. AT&T Inspired Mobility will host a live chat with social media guru, James Andrews, and author, producer, DeVon Franklin. Join us next Friday as we discuss social media for social good. I look forward to seeing you all there, RSVP at the link below.
Join Me in Chicago on October 7, 2015
On October 7, 2015 at 6pm I will be in Chicago for the 2nd Black in Tech event at 1871. I had the pleasure of being invited by Thomas Stovall who is the founder of the event as well as the, an App for Executives. The event is at 1871, which is located in Merchandise Mart (222 West Merchandise Mart Plaza, Floor 12, Chicago, IL 60654). This event means a lot to me for a variety of reasons:
Let's Talk Organic Reach...
When Facebook introduced Edgerank, the formula that determines the information that appears in the newsfeed, it was one of the many steps Facebook took in limiting what is called organic reach. Organic reach is the number of friends and fans we could communicate with on their platform for free. Take, for example, you having 1000 friends/fans on your Facebook page. When you post, an average of only 4% of your audience will see the post.
Let's Talk Church Tech - Part 2
We are always looking at the ever-changing landscape of technology, and we see some great things on the horizon for Church, Tech and future iChurch Books. Click Here for Part 1
- Wearables - Wearables are web-enabled devices that we wear on our bodies (like VR headsets). Google Glass released their web-enabled glasses, but I believe they were ahead of their time and were not adopted by the masses (that and the $1500 price tag)....
Let's Talk Church Tech - Part 1
We are always looking at the ever-changing landscape of technology, and we see some great things on the horizon for Church, Tech and future iChurch Books. Click Here for Part 2
- The Cloud - The Cloud is the best and worst thing that has happened to the Internet. It allows any size company to have the platform, software, and presence of a Fortune 500 company, which is a great thing.
Let's Measure the Mobile Impact - Mobile Analytics
In The iChurch Method Vol. 3 book, we discussed Analytics and the importance of analyzing, optimizing, and repeating processes that will help advance your organization online. This is even more important when it comes to mobile because of the amount of information that can be measured in the mobile space. Google Analytics for Mobile provides two types of mobile opportunities for analytics. The first is mobile website analytics and how users navigate websites from their mobile devices. The second opportunity is mobile app analytics and how we interact with mobile apps.
Mobile Media is Important
Mobile Multi-MediaThe fastest growing platform for video consumption is mobile. Watching short-form videos, live streams, TV shows, and all kinds of digital video has increased ten-fold on mobile devices. With the widespread increase of Wi-Fi and faster mobile Internet speeds, we are seeing video creation and consumption explode. We have seen this first hand at The Potter’s House, where our weekly rebroadcast has increased 70% - 80% due to people now connecting and watching our services from their mobile devices. Additionally, our live streaming services are now split 50/50 with people watching from mobile and desktop devices. This trend is only going to increase because people want to connect with the ministry on their time from a convenient device. Staying connected on-the-go is beneficial to the online audience, and making the ministry content accessible to people on-the-go is beneficial to the ministry. Studies show that we are never more than 3 feet away from our mobile devices. Thus, we believe by bringing ministry content to mobile devices, we are taking church beyond the walls and to the people.
Another aspect of our digital multimedia strategy is our short-form media approach for our app and Social Media platforms. Since The Potter’s House has archived video that’s accessible on-demand like Netflix, we don’t mind keeping our weekly TV show to 30 minutes in length. Though we still distribute our 30-minute TV show via YouTube, Facebook, and our mobile app, we try to keep most of our smaller videos limited to the length of 2 minutes. We find that people like short videos that get right to the point and provide value to their lives in the short amount of time they are able to give us at any particular moment.
Video-capable social networks, such as Vine (6 seconds), Twitter (30 seconds), Instagram (15 seconds), Snapchat (10 seconds) and Facebook (20 minutes), have put limits on their videos, and this has led to increased viewing of these videos. But, let’s not count out YouTube’s unlimited video length and the BILLIONS of viewers their videos have. The overall point is that, no matter the length, videos have become the most engaging form of content and Mobile consumption will continue to increase.
To learn more about this topic and others get your copy of The iChurch Method Vol. 3 TODAY!
Let's Talk Mobile Commerce
Mobile CommerceMobile Internet revenue will hit $700 billion annually in less than three years, according to the research firm, Digit-Capital. The keys to this explosive mobile growth are mobile donations, mobile shopping, mobile advertising, and in-app purchases. Mobile donations and mobile shopping are leading this growth with mobile shopping vastly outpacing all other categories. As we continue to thrive in the digital age, there are many people coming to church who don’t carry a checkbook. This new approach to managing finances has given the church an opportunity to embrace new, convenient ways to allow their members to support the ministry financially. One method that is growing quickly is giving via mobile devices.
Text-to-Give Since we carry our mobile devices with us everywhere, they are great ways to stay connected and support online giving. One of the important giving methods is Text-to-Give. One of the most important benefits of implementing a text-to-give program is the abundance of smart phones that people have nowadays. Received texts are opened 98% of the time. This is one of the most reliable communication methods available today.
Text-to-give is the process of using texting as a way to give a set amount to your church. Usually, the process begins with you texting a keyword (“Give,”) and an amount (“50”) to a short code such as “313131” (Give 50 to 313131). This allows the online text-to-give software to capture the cell phone number and dollar amount from your device and associate your device with a mobile giving account. Lastly, the software may send you a link to set up an online profile and store your credit card information for even faster SMS transactions in the future.
Additional benefits of a text-to-give program are the options that can be featured such as recurring automatic giving, advanced security, recorded giving history, email receipts, and more. How can you implement this? Well, a great provider for this is
Mobile App Giving In Chapter 5, we will get more into the Mobile App aspect of The iChurch Method, but let’s look at the giving/eCommerce aspect of mobile apps. If your church or ministry has a mobile app, it’s a good option to have a donation tab or button. Once the donation button is tapped, a nice, mobile friendly donation form should appear, allowing people to easily donate in a few step. But, there is one caveat.
When you are doing any type of financial transaction inside an iOS (Apple) app, Apple will take 30% of the transaction! Android (Google) does not have this stipulation for their apps, but, unfortunately, Apple does. For financial transactions, the way to get around this restriction is to send people to a website outside of the app for them to complete the transaction there. Make sure to read the “Mobile” chapter to learn more about the mobile app options that will help take your organization to the next level.
Apple Pay / Google Wallet These built-in digital wallets are becoming the new way to conduct transactions. Whether it’s an Apple iPhone or a Google Android phone, you can store your credit card information in your digital wallet and simply wave your phone at a preset terminal to complete a transaction. Walgreens is a great example of this. They accept Apple Pay and Google Wallet. Churches can get terminals that are enabled with Google Wallet and Apple Pay capabilities for sales of after-service products and even donations.
To learn more about this topic and others get your copy of The iChurch Method Vol. 3 TODAY!
The Impact of Mobile Social Media
Just as important as “Visual Social Media” is the impact of “Mobile Social Media.” When Social Media first became popular, it was Myspace that ushered in this new “thing.” Myspace gave us custom URLs, and we were able to connect with numerous people on the platform. We even had the opportunity to highlight our top 8 friends and let everyone know who was at the top of our friends list. When Facebook came onto the scene, there wasn’t a mass migration to it until they implemented a feature that changed Social Media as we know it. They made the website mobile-compatible, and they released apps on all the major mobile platforms. This feature was something that Myspace couldn’t match, and the convenience of being able to communicate socially on-the-go became one of the major facets of Facebook’s early success and the demise of Myspace. Let’s not forget that Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion because of its large following and that it is a great, photo-based mobile platform. Twitter followed this same route, making sure their platform was mobile-focused. The 140-character messages, the main focus of Tweets, is based on text messages being 140 characters on mobile phones. Twitter wanted to make sure their messages would be delivered within a single text on mobile devices. Their mobile-first approach has led to their platform being one of the go-to sources for up-to-the-minute breaking news around the world.
Vine and their fully mobile six-second video platform, Snapchat and their mobile platform, YouTube’s mobile app, Pinterest’s mobile app, Tumblr’s mobile app, and Linkedin’s mobile app all show their understanding of how important mobile Social Media is and its unlimited potential for growth.
Mobile Social Media is growing significantly. Here are a few key mobile Social Media statistics:
- 2x more Sharing on mobile vs. desktop.
- 71% of people use Social Media from mobile devices.
- 76% of Twitter access is mobile.
- 50% of Tumblr content is accessed via mobile devices.
- 40% of YouTube Access is mobile.
- 68% of Facebook Access is mobile.
- Mobile devices will increasingly play an important role, considering more than 60% the population access Social Media content using them.
- Microvideo: This type of content will be on the same level as pictures and will become more and more popular.
- 94% of the marketing executives that have invested in mobile ads considered themselves satisfied with the results of using this tactic.
- This year, there has been an increase to 38% from 33% in the use of mobile marketing by the enterprises.
To learn more about this topic and others get your copy of The iChurch Method Vol. 3 TODAY!
Social Media Commerce - Making Money via Social Media - Part 2
Facebook Offers Button Part 1 is available here
On your Facebook Fan page, you can click the “Create an Offer” option to create an online offer that sends people to a preset website to redeem the offer. As you build the offer, you will be able to see exactly how it looks on users’ screens. You choose a title for your offer, a description of your offer, upload or choose an image for people to see, choose a start and expiration date, how many people can claim this offer, and the website you are sending people to claim the offer on. Once you have completed these steps, you click “Create Offer.”
Facebook Buy button With this feature, people on desktops or mobile devices can click the “Buy” call-to-action button on ads and Page posts to purchase a product directly from a business without leaving Facebook. Facebook built this feature with privacy in mind, and they have taken steps to help make the payment experience safe and secure. None of the credit or debit card information people share with Facebook when completing a transaction will be shared with other advertisers. Plus, people can select whether or not they would like to save their payment information for future purchases.
YouTube Fan Funding YouTube has a new feature called "YouTube Fan Funding" that allows viewers to send voluntary payments to support the channels they love. As long as your channel is in good standing, you are a partner, you have an AdSense account associated with your YouTube Channel, and you have activated the feature in the creator studio channel section of your YouTube account, you’re good to go. The money from your account is deposited into an associated Google Wallet account, which is Google’s online payment feature.
Vimeo Tip Jar Vimeo Tip Jar enables Vimeo Plus and PRO members to receive small cash payments from people who like their videos. It’s a simple three-step process to enable Tip Jar. Step 1, Join Vimeo Plus or Vimeo PRO. Tip Jar is available only to Plus and PRO members. Step 2, Once you’ve signed up, connect your PayPal account. Step 3, Turn on Tip Jar for individual videos, or all of them.
Snapcash A vast majority of Snapchat users never log out of Snapchat. SnapCash is built upon the Square Cash platform. The sender and the recipient, however, are not associated with an email address, but a Snapchat ID.
SnapCash is really a wonderful integration of the Square Cash platform that utilizes the Debit Card network to simply send cash. The process to associate a Snapchat ID with SnapCash is almost precisely the same as Square Cash:
- Once the sender registers a debit card associated with SnapCash, the sender simply types in a recipient’s SnapChat ID for a stated amount.
- The recipient will receive the message as a new notification and will either register a debit card to receive the funds or accept the transaction into a previously registered debit card.
There are two key social commerce options quickly arising. One is social shopping and the other is social payments. The social payments option has seen much success in China with a number of chat/communication platforms integrated with payments. The key to making social buying a popular option will be to build great experiences around those buttons because simply placing buttons on social pages will not change habits. Currently, people do not associate social networks with shopping. They are more comfortable with leaving the social networks and going to the seller’s website to purchase in a secure environment. If the previously mentioned social networks, and others, can create a cohesive online experience that integrates our online connections opinions/recommendations, a secure shopping process that keeps our financial information safe, and a shopping method that doesn’t feel like it’s more complex than a few clicks, social commerce will become wildly popular, especially via mobile devices seeing we are always connected.
To learn more about this topic and others get your copy of Social Connections TODAY!
Social Media Commerce - Making Money via Social Media - Part 1
The initial rise of social commerce, in my opinion, was a result of the social aspect of shopping. Shopping, in itself, has always been a social activity, whether it was people shopping together, a parent with a group of kids in tow, a spouse shopping for their entire family, or someone getting sales tips from a friend about products or services they are looking for. Social Media made the shopping process more social because, as we are able to shop offline or online, we can share our experiences with our social networks. Take a look at these key statistics:
- 70% of marketers have been successful in gaining new customers via social networks.
- 57% of users trust more in the opinion of his/her contacts than in what the brand has to say about its product or service.
- 47% of social networks users state that Facebook has had a bigger impact on their decision to buy than any other social network.
The early phase of social commerce was led by users sharing their shopping experiences with their networks and companies providing social features to enhance the shopping experience. Enhancement included adding Social Media Sharing buttons to products or on eReceipts so people could easily share these things. was one of the initial online stores to provide these features. Key networks that these Sharing features initially resonated on were Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Another example were offline stores providing Social Media advertising inside of their stores or on receipts, letting customers know that these stores were active in the Social Media space. Once people connected to these companies online, they would receive incentives such as online coupons and early sale notifications. The sharing of web links to online store’s coupons or websites was the key driver of early social commerce.
Fast-forward to the current phase of social commerce, and the actual social networks are leading it. Certain social networks see the benefits, engagement-wise and financially, of making the eCommerce process easier for consumers and sellers. Here are some of the key advancements in social commerce:
Twitter Offers When users see a Twitter Offer in their timeline, they can add the offer to their credit or debit card in just a few taps and redeem them in real-time by using the card at the store. Because the offer is tied to their card, redemption is seamless and easy. There are no coupons to redeem at the point of purchase. After the purchase, the cash-back savings appear on their card statement within a few days.
With Twitter Offers, advertisers will be able to attribute redemptions directly to their campaigns on Twitter. That way, they can effectively measure the ROI from their promotions, even when redemption happens offline. Additionally, we make it easy for merchants to get up and running. Because they can use their existing payment network, there’s no change to the consumer purchase process, no employee training, and no new hardware or software to install. By leveraging Twitter’s robust targeting capabilities, advertisers can tailor their promotions and campaigns to the right audience all while optimizing for performance.
After users add a Twitter Offer to their credit or debit card, that card information will be encrypted and safely stored to make it easier for them to claim other offers or make future purchases on Twitter. This option also gives users the ability to remove this information from their account at anytime.
Part 2 is coming on July 30 - Click Here to View
To learn more about this topic and others get your copy of Social Connections TODAY!
Does the Church Need Technology?
I recently made a statement in a podcast that said, if the church didn’t stay up to date with technology, how quickly it’s changing, and understand its influence on society, the church might become irrelevant. The example I used was that we don’t see preachers preaching from stone tablets, scrolls, and parchments. They are using a copy of the Bible which was created using the technology of the printing press. Additionally, many of us have seen a toddler pick up an iPad or smartphone and instinctively know how to navigate/tap it and find their favorite app or game. We’ve also seen teenagers/young adults use texting, social media, photos, and videos from their mobile devices as easily as making calls. They are able to quickly and efficiently use multiple apps, platforms, and features of their devices and stay connected with their friends, celebrities, and anyone they deem important. Now consider that these devices are the oldest technology these people will see.
One of the responses I received was that the church will never become irrelevant because it’s God’s house and the Word of God will never be irrelevant. While I believe that God’s Word will never be irrelevant in the sense of it speaking to the state of the human soul and society, I was focusing less on the message and more on the method. The message will always be effective, revolutionary, and life-changing. However, if the method used to deliver the message is ineffective and outdated, how relevant can it be when the masses are not receiving it?
So the question was, “Why does technology permeate so many aspects of our lives but we go back in time when it comes to the church?
Technology is defined as the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment. Let’s look at two historical examples of technology currently being used by the church (Source:
1. Chairs and Pews - Throughout most of the history of Christian worship, there were no pews or chairs. Not until the fourteenth century did seating gradually encroach upon the open space where the congregation stood and walked about during worship. In the late Middle Ages, the congregation sat down on the job and there was a drastic change in Christian worship—perhaps the most important in history. People, in effect, became custodians of individual spaces they occupied throughout the service. In other words, for the first fourteen centuries of Christianity, people stood throughout the worship service. (Source:
2. The Printing Press - This technological advancement put the Bible in the hands of the masses. In 1455, the Gutenberg Bible was mass produced in Europe. Without the Bible, how would this have affected the impact of the church? One of the main informational resources and understanding of the Christian faith is the Bible, and the popularity of Christianity ties into how readily available the Bible is to everyone.
With these two technological implementations, the church transformed it’s worship experience and it’s distribution model. Today, with digital tools, we can touch all aspects of the church experience. In church, we have a variety of tools that can enhance the music, lighting, sermon, and other aspects to create an interactive, immersive worship experience. On the other hand, with websites, social media, mobile apps, internet tv, and internet church campuses, we have a variety of tools and platforms to reach people regardless of where they are and the device they use. We can connect with, engage, minister to, and change the lives of millions through something as small as an iPod. Therefore, with over 3 Billion people accessing the internet in 2015 and over 6 Billion mobile devices around the world, we have the largest digital mission field that is primed for the life-changing Gospel.
The question, now, is whether the church will use this technology to fulfill the Great Commission in taking the message to the uttermost parts of the world?
Social Connections for FREE
Social Media has given us platforms to evolve the way we communicate and stay connected online. As new platforms arrive, the methods and strategies we use change as well as in some ways stay the same. I want to make a special offer just for you, I am giving away my Social Media Manual, Social Connections FREE until Sunday, July 26, 2015.
Social Connections: Connect with and Engage Your Online Audience, takes an in-depth look at the ways we communicate on these platforms and what consistent methods we can use to best stay connected.
Does Your Organization Have a Social Strategy?
What is your brand’s message? What is the voice of your company? What is the message you wish to convey to people via Social Media? How will you communicate it? Will your organization speak on societal and current issues? Will your organization push out marketing updates and never respond to people? Make sure your organization isn’t one-dimensional. There are many types of people you can reach, so you must distribute many types of Social Media posts in order to reach them. To give you some guidelines, here are five focal points in establishing your organization’s message via Social Media: Education/Inspiration - Make sure to provide education, inspiration, and motivation via your social networks. These are the best types of posts. Whether they are quotes, photos with encouraging words on them, or quick videos that give educational tips about your organization or industry, everyone wants content that enhances their lives.
Information - Provide information about your organization by using your social networks. Please do not assume everyone reads your website or even saw your eblast. Distribute the information about events and other happenings through those same social networks. You can also repurpose flyers, newsletters, eblasts, and other marketing materials and send them out.
Communication - Social Media is social! Therefore, it should be a two-way communication. If you post to a network and people comment, ask questions, and take time out of their busy day to respond, make sure your organization takes time to acknowledge them and respond back. Do not appear too arrogant to respond to your social network fans, even if you do not have the staff or time to answer every comment or question. At least answer some. Show that the organization sees their comments and questions and cares about their audience’s concerns.
Consistency - Make sure the content from your organization flows consistently from your online properties to your online users. On some networks, this means posting multiple times a day or once a week. It depends on the network. That being said, no matter which one your organization uses, you must maintain consistency.
Diversification – Have you noticed that neither Social Media network has been mentioned to be better than another? The network you use to distribute content to your online users is irrelevant if there is no consistent strategy behind it. Ten years ago, everyone was using AOL email to communicate with the masses. Five years ago, it was MySpace. Three years ago, Facebook and Twitter became popular. Just recently, Instagram, Vine, and Snapchat have become very prevalent. The networks will come and go. So, do not make the mistake of putting all your eggs in one Social Media basket. Find a network you want to use and grow on it. Then, add another network and repeat. You do not have to be present on all the social networks that are out there. Simply don’t depend on just one network to be your savior.
To learn more about this topic and others get your copy of Social Connections TODAY!
Google Grants for Nonprofits
Google has a program called “Google Ad Grants: AdWords for Nonprofits” that gives nonprofit organizations $329 per day / $10,000 per month in FREE online advertising. Yes, you read that correctly—FREE online advertising for your nonprofit organization! In this book, I will talk about the importance of online advertising and how it can benefit your organization. Nevertheless, I wanted to start things off with a grant program that you can apply for, receive, and implement quickly. Let me tell you how it’s done. Go to and read through the information to see what you need in order to apply. The main necessities are:
- 501(c) 3 charity status.
- Employer ID (EIN).
- Have a functioning website with substantial content.
- Have a Google account to manage the AdWords campaign.
Here are the specifics of what you will receive:
- A daily budget set to $329 USD, which is equivalent to about $10,000 per month.
- A maximum cost-per-click (CPC) limit of $2.00 USD.
- Only run keyword-targeted campaigns.
- Only appear on Google Search result pages.
- Only run text ads (you cannot use video ads or graphics-based ads).
- You must choose one link for your AdWords program to link to. Many of the organizations that I have worked with use the AdWords program for their Internet Church Campuses.
Once you have completed the application process, Google will notify you within a few weeks as to whether or not you were accepted. If you are not accepted, Google will let you know what you need to change in order to resubmit and be accepted. The process is really easy. In addition to the Google grant, you will also receive:
- YouTube Nonprofit Program: Premium branding capabilities on YouTube channels, and increased uploading capacity.
- Google Apps for Nonprofit: Free version of the Google Apps business productivity suite, including Gmail, Docs, Calendar, and more.
- One Today by Google: Free access to a mobile fundraising platform.
The Google AdWords grant is a great deal in itself, but the additional software that Google is giving in this grant makes this deal unbelievable. Google Apps is a great online software tool that is similar to Microsoft Office. A church of any size can now have the corporate office tools that once cost thousands for absolutely FREE and run their business more effectively and efficiently.
Please note that the following organizations are not eligible for Google for Nonprofits:
- Governmental entities and organizations.
- Hospitals and health care organizations.
- Schools, childcare centers, academic institutions, and universities (philanthropic arms of educational organizations are eligible).
To learn more about this topic and others get your copy of The iChurch Method Vol. 3 TODAY!
@ATT #InspiredMobility is gearing up again starting with @BloggingWhileBrown
Last year I was the spokesperson and expert consultant for AT&T’s Inspired Mobility campaign. It was a great experience for two reasons, 1. I got to go to Harlem, NY and kickoff the campaign at Blogging While Brown by giving a keynote and doing a panel with Chip Dizard, Tiffani Robinson and Michelle Smith. 2. I continue to get excited about the evolving space of Faith and Technology, I have written numerous iChurch Method books that cater to this space and to see a corporation like AT&T get involved is a great thing.
Well, it’s time to start the campaign up again and this year we are kicking it off at Blogging While Brown in Austin, TX. But it gets even better, this year we have included some great people who use the digital space to advance their careers and impact. People such as Devon Franklin, Lecrae, Valorie Burton and James Andrews. Here is some information about the Inspired Mobility campaign.
Blogging While Brown
- AT&T is a sponsor of the 2015 Blogging While Brown conference, a premier conference that supports African American bloggers across the country.
- The sponsorship includes a partnership with a set of influential bloggers who will be reporting and sharing social content from all 2015 Inspired Mobility activities.
Google+ Hangouts
- To continue the 2015 conversation with key influencers and thought-leaders, AT&T will host three Google+ Hangouts in collaboration with church and technology expert, Jason Caston
- Each Hangout will feature a different topic around technology and inspiration
Social Media Sunday
- This year, AT&T is hosting a day for people across the country to use their mobile devices to share words and visuals of hope and inspiration
- Whether sharing quotes from a church service, or selfies from a peaceful moment on the lake, AT&T and its partners encourage people to participate in a nationwide conversation using the hashtag, #InspiredMobility
I am looking forward to participating in this great campaign and showcasing how we showcase our faith and inspiration using mobile technologies.
Help Your Church Communicate Better
Do you have a communications plan for your church?
You might be surprised, but a simple plan will help your church reach more people.
That’s why I want to give you a plan and give you access to 25+ church communication experts to hear about how they reach more people in your church.
Sign-up now. Mark your calendar. And get your team together.
My friends at Social Church are bringing together the “wizards” of church communications. Seriously, this is one of the biggest church communications conferences of the year, and you don’t even have to leave your desk!
Get Your Spot Now. Use the code PARTY for a Discounted Rate
The "wizard roster" includes: Jason Caston - Digital Team Lead, T.D. Jakes Ministries Jon Ferguson — Lead Teaching Pastor, Community Christian Church Darrel Girardier — Creative Director, Brentwood Baptist Church Casey Graham — CEO & Founder, The Rocket Company Jay Kranda — Online Campus Pastor, Saddleback Church Scott McClellan — Communications Pastor, Irving Bible Church Carlos Whittaker — Author & Church Communications Specialist
PLUS: You'll walk away with a Church Communications Plan & Facebook Ads Training.
P.S. Hey, this is the BIGGEST church communications event of the year we know about. Will you share this with 2 of your church leader friends?
3 ways to help your church communicate more effectively
There are three systems that you will learn if you register for and attend Foundations Online Conference, an online event presented by our friends at Social Church. 1. Creating a communications strategy for your church. Communicating to your congregation is about more than just putting out information and hoping it sticks.
It’s about implementing a strategy that communicates the right information to the right people at the right time through the right channels.
Learn how to create this strategy.
2. Educating your pastor and staff on church communications. What if your pastor advocated for and helped support your church communications strategy?
Sound like a dream? It’s not.
Learn from the experts on how to work WITH your pastor and ministry leaders, not AGAINST them.
3. Communicating effectively on a tight budget. A common misconception is that you need a large budget to communicate effectively.
While this can help, it’s not always true.
Register now and learn how to communicate effectively for your church without breaking the bank.
P.S. Tell someone to register and they'll get to hear from these great speakers:
Emily Cummins — Associate Director of Communications & Branding, Central Christian Church Diana Wei Fang — Social Media Strategist, National Community Church Jon Ferguson — Lead Teaching Pastor, Community Christian Church Nate Merrill — Online Campus Pastor, Lake Pointe Church Tim Schraeder — Church Communications Specialist Haley Veturis — Social Media Director, Saddleback Church
eConnect Conference
Last year in Loveland CO, Nils Smith, Bob D'Ambrosio and Brian Abbott invited me to present at the inaugural eConnect conference. I had a blast co-teaching with Nils and Brian and I enjoyed teaching topics such as eCommerce, Websites and Mobile for ministry. This year we are doing it again! Join us November 4 - 6, 2015 in Loveland, CO for the eConnect Conference. This two and a half day conference will provide you with an expanded understanding of how social media and online tools can benefit and grow your ministry. You'll learn how to use these tools to save time, reach a broader audience, build a well-connected community, and create a place for constant communication in your church.
Use the Code: CASTON25 for a $25 discount
Help Your Church Communicate Better
Do you have a communications plan for your church? You might be surprised, but a simple plan will help your church reach more people.
That’s why I want to give you a plan and give you access to 25+ church communication experts to hear about how they reach more people in your church.
Sign-up now. Mark your calendar. And get your team together.
My friends at Social Church are bringing together the “wizards” of church communications. Seriously, this is one of the biggest church communications conferences of the year, and you don’t even have to leave your desk!
Get Your Spot Now. Use the code PARTY for a Discounted Rate
The "wizard roster" includes: Jason Caston - Digital Team Lead, T.D. Jakes Ministries Jon Ferguson — Lead Teaching Pastor, Community Christian Church Darrel Girardier — Creative Director, Brentwood Baptist Church Casey Graham — CEO & Founder, The Rocket Company Jay Kranda — Online Campus Pastor, Saddleback Church Scott McClellan — Communications Pastor, Irving Bible Church Carlos Whittaker — Author & Church Communications Specialist
PLUS: You'll walk away with a Church Communications Plan & Facebook Ads Training.
P.S. Hey, this is the BIGGEST church communications event of the year we know about. Will you share this with 2 of your church leader friends?